b'Using Theatre to Inform Medical Trainees aboutForum theatre provides the ability for the medicsUniversity Health Board commissioned Hijinx to to properly engage in the performance, stoppingdevelop short films on location at the University Neurodivergence the scene at the point where a character hasHospital of Wales to help train health and social the chance to do something differently that willcare staff to effectively communicate and care for Meg Hatfield change the outcome of the scene for the better.people with learning disabilitiesin particular, This is a powerful tool as it provokes reaction andautism. This was virtually screened at a webinar Meg Hatfield argues for the importance of including theatre-based training about neurodivergent conditions for medical trainees,that leads to discussion which ultimately leads toin January 2021 so that it could be easily accessi-and highlights two theatre companies that do this work.change (Hijinks, 2016). The medical students areble to a wider NHS and public audience. supplied with pre-workshop information on the I gained increased awareness of inaccessibility,poor understanding of the needs of people withwide range of neurodivergent conditions/symp- While the Hijinks videos reach a wider audience having been admitted to hospital several monthsa learning disability are cited as reasons for thistoms and are asked to debrief post-production,due to their publication on an NHS page, this ago. The reactions of the doctors and nurses toextraordinarily high mortality rate (Mencap,discussing the poor medical practice depicted intraining cannot be beaten by practically orientated my tic disorder clearly demonstrated the necessi- Death by Indifference, 2007, 4). Theatrical inter- the scene. CHAT workshops. The Lawnmowers workshops ty for intervention. My symptoms on admittancevention is necessary to demonstrate what life isoffer a much wider visibility of the neurodiver-were double vision, passing-out episodes, slightlike, living with tics, and how they can manifestThis improvisation simulation is particularlygent spectrum with six different actors worksta-confusion, and memory loss, all of which requirein different scenarios so as to help medics adaptimportant for displaying autistic symptoms to thetions, whereas the Hijinks videos only have four a pupillary light reflex test to rule out a possibletheir treatment plans. Performance workshopsstudents. Autism Spectrum Disorder cases rangeneurodivergent representatives. Moreover, the concussion. My eye tics made this assessmentwould be ideal so that medics can interact withfrom mild to severe, with disparate symptomsparticipatory nature of the Lawnmowers CHAT challenging, forcing my eyes shut every time thetics first-hand. across individuals. As well as this, hospitals areworkstations allows for individual training, with beam of light went near them. Instead of beingcompletely unpredictable environments. Whilethe experts by experience able to offer conducive patient, the neurologist became frustrated andThe Lawnmowers Independent Theatre Company,they do run to a schedule, their timings arefeedback. Hands-on, application-based learning decided to mark the test as inconclusive. Notbased in Gateshead, has been very effective in try- never correct, so the patients are just left waitingboth increases engagement and helps students only was this essential test removed due to lacking to raise awareness, and acknowledge necessarywhile over-stimulated, making the likelihood ofto retain the information while also providing a of adjustment to neurodivergence, but I was alsochanges needed in healthcare. They are a thea- mutism very possible. It is essential that nurs- personal touch that takes away the fear of com-forcibly held down by two nurses during one oftre company created and run by neurodivergentes and doctors understand how to communicatemunication which many students previously my blood tests. My tics kept moving my arm upadults, a holistic feat that Giles Perring believedwith these individuals to avoid misinformationhad with neurodivergent patients. It is therefore and down while the nurse tried to pierce my skinimpossible: most artistic work with people withand the avoidance of necessary tests. Adults onincredibly important to adapt the curriculum of with the needle. Restraining me was considered alearning disabilities continues to be facilitated bythe spectrum frequently have a range of healthmedical students to include this vital training to necessary means of performing this test; however,people without learning difficulties (2005: 177).conditions including chronic gastrointestinaltreat patients with dignity and respect as well as because my arm was tensing against both nursesThe neurotypical lens interferes with the voice ofproblems, diabetes, and heart disease; however,save their lives. grips while the needle went in, it created a mas- experts by experience, which is instrumental indue to inaccessible healthcare they are less likely sive bruise across my arm. This was an unneces- stopping the stereotyping of the medical gaze. Theto have routine health check-ups. This avoid- Davenport, B, (2000). Witnessing and the Medical Gaze: sary injury that could have been avoided if I hadlatter tries to modify the patients stories, fittingance of preventative care has caused considerableHow medical students Learn to see at a free clinic for the been given enough warning before the procedure[them] into a biomedical paradigm filtering outimpact to demographics of mortality rates. Com- homeless. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, [online] 14(3), pp.310-or if I had been asked why I was overstimulat- non biomedical material (Misselbrook,2013:12),munication barriers with healthcare providers327. ed. Lastly, there were a few instances of ableistcreating a view of the condition/illness prior toand sensory issues within hospital settings areHijinks Theatre Company & Cardiff and Vale Uiversity discrimination on the part of one of the neurolo- seeing the individual who is actually experiencingconsidered significant factors in insufficient care.Health Board (2021). Learning Disability Training Video-Scenario gists, one of whom admonished that my tics wereit (Davenport,2000: 311). Neurodivergent health- 38% of parents had to explain what autism was2 How To Treat A Patient With Abdominal Pain And Constipation. annoying and proposed that I should stop. Sincecare must be tailored to the individual to avoidto a healthcare professional, 61% felt their childhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBrS9XfaBAw&t=263s.tics are unwanted, uncontrollable and very sensi- discrimination and medical errors.was assumed to lack capacity because they wereAccessed 30 Jan 2022. tive to anxiety, this was very unhelpful and madeautistic, 58% experience autism-based discrimina- Mencap (2007). Death by Indifference: Following up the the hospital visit considerably more uncomfort- The Lawnmowers devised a project called Creativetion from patients and staff (Riach and CromptonTreat me right! Report. Mencap: London able. Being told to suppress the involuntary ticHealth Awareness Training (CHAT) for under- 2019:1). Misselbrook, D, (2013). Foucoult .British Journal of General can cause an increased amount of ticcing and leadgraduate medics at Northumbria University, inPractice, 63(611),pp312 to a tic attack that is dangerous for the patient which neurodivergent actors ran workshops withWhile The Lawnmowers Theatre Company tackle something a neurologist should have known.students in the areas of midwifery, physiotherapy,training for undergraduate healthcare, HijinksPerring, G. (2005). The Facilitation of Learning-Disabled and occupational therapy. This is a holistic pro- Theatre Company employs their actors to de- Arts: A Cultural Perspective. In C. Sandahl & P. Auslander Distressingly, neurodivergent mortality rates duecess that uses forum theatre (Boal) and is deliv- liver communication training using role play(Eds.), Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Performance (pp. to inaccessible healthcare were 50% in 2020;ered to over 800 students every year. Informed bytechniques (and) enact typical scenarios that help175189). University of Michigan Press.neurodivergent people are more than three timestheir own personal experiences, these actors, inclients improve the way in which they commu- Riach, C & Crompton,C.(2019) How Can We Make Hospitals as likely to die from an avoidable medical causecharacter, perform roles as patients with variousnicate with vulnerable customers. Their DiverseMore Accessible For Autistic Children?. University Of Edinburgh of death (LeDeR annual report, 2021, 10). Dis- ailments and disparate access needs in a theatricalclient list includes the NHS (Llywodraeth Cym- Medical School, p. p1, http://dart.ed.ac.uk/wp-content/up-crimination, indifference, lack of training and apiece using Theatre of the Oppressed techniques.ru: Welsh Government 2019). Cardiff and Valeloads/2019/08/autistic-kids-and-hospital-experiences-draft.pdf,Accessed 31 Jan 2022. 40 41'