b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2020-21 Mo Johnson Mo Johnson Ethan McLucasWhen the Curtain Went Up March 14th 2008Creative Writing Creative WritingEthan McLucasMo Johnson(A single open follow-spot illuminates the stage, 80%.tests in the local waters have assured the public that Authors Note There is a chair and desk DSC stage. Upon the desk therethe presence of this new Alaskan breed is nothing is a microphone, a laptop, a clock and a folder. Thereto worry about. As often happens with great artists whose influencerefrain lingers in the silences between the lines.is a Radio Host sitting at the desk wearing a pair ofWell, those were the headlines. And just before we do the leads to imitations, Edith Piaf is now remembered as aheadphones; they open the folder and pull out a pen) shipping forecasts, lets see if we have our caller for the character, appearing larger than her life, not as a genuineEDITH PIAF: Non. (Pause) Non. (Pause) Non, riennight?being who resided on this earth. This short play imaginesde rien. Cest pay, balay, oubli. (Beat) Je men fou deRadio Host: Good evening to anyone listening. I(SFX, loud volume, phone ringing)an ageing Edith in the moments before she enters thepass. (Beat) Non. (Pause) Non. hope youve all had pleasant days. And if anyone is stillRadio Host: Hello? Youre live on Orkney Radio. Who stage, placed with her back partially to the audience,working right now or driving home or out there sailingis this?surrounded in silence, so the icon of Edith may beEventually, this solitary lullaby is interrupted by thebetween the islands, I hope you get a chance to rest soon.(Caller is heard but never seen. They are not pre-recorded. They are provided a moment of peace before the plunder of hersound of applause erupting from offstage.Its currently 7:30pm and youre listening to Orkneyplayed off stage)life begins.Radio. Like always, Im your host, Samantha Hartley.Caller: Hi! Hello! Uh nice to be here. Oh, Im Michael by A knock sounds at the door. Edith turns her head toThe weather isnt too great at the moment, so I hope, likethe way.The performer is left to interpret the minimalist script,face it, and the backcloth rises to reveal four versions ofme in the studio, youve all battened down the hatches.Radio Host: Lovely to meet you Michael. Do you want the only request being that the composed melody beEdith Piaf in their own dressing rooms: one is in a trailerIll get to our caller of the night and the shippingto tell the other listeners and I a little about yourself?(seemingly) improvised, for her ears only, and rooted inon a film set, two are backstage in different theatres,forecasts in just a moment but first, Ill give you aCaller: Sure, yeah. Im Michael but Ive already said that. the performers own experience as a singer contemplatinganother is in the corridor of an unspecified venue, using arundown of the headlines. I always listen to this station at this time since my shift the mortality of both their voice and their self. This iscompact mirror to apply her makeup.usually finishes around now and I have the radio on when a chance to see Ms Piaf as small as human life truly is.Our top story: The Missing Ullapool Boy. The police areI drive home. Ive been married for six years now to my Allow the singing to reflect this. The first Edith rises from her chair and exits to her finalstill chasing leads in hopes to find a trace of the boy whobeautiful wife, Ruby, and have two amazing kids as well.performance and lights fade to black.went missing on Monday. The boy, whose first name hasRadio Host: Im sure shell be glad, such a wonderful Scene 1 been revealed as Frederick, has fair skin and short blondecompliment. What are your childrens names?Scene 2 hair and was wearing a light blue jumper and had a redCaller: So, Ive got Allura, whos four and Ive my Spotlight up centre stage. Edith Piaf sits at her mirroredrucksack at the time of his disappearance. If anyone hasyounger son, Michael Jr. who just turned two.dressing table, facing an upstage corner with her backA sound recording of a live performance by Edith Piafany information regarding him or his disappearance youRadio Host: They sound lovely. So, tell me more about to us. She fumbles amongst the objects covering theplays. are encouraged to report it to the police. yourself. What do you do for a living Michael? Do you table, perfume bottles, makeup, cigarette paraphernalia,work on the Island?postcards, a decanter and glasses and flowers. HerLights fade up to reveal the four versions of EdithSecondly, the expansion of the local oil refinery here inCaller: Yeah, I work at the oil refinery. Ive been doing it backless dress hangs off her small frame and her hair ispreparing to leave their dressing rooms. They walkOrkney has reached its second-year anniversary. Initially,for years now. Hell, I even helped out with the expansion. pinned to the top of her head, nestlike.downstage, one in a white dressing gown, otherswhen first proposed by the Scottish Government, theOh, am I allowed to say Hell on the radio?in detailed yet overdone costumes, the fourth in anexpansion project was met with scepticism by the public.Radio Host: Youre fine, dont worry. Im curious, whats Offstage, in the corridor outside her dressing room,especially crude, sequined dress. They each take theirHowever, not only did it recuperate its building costsit like working there at the refinery?we hear the hurried commotion that precedes anyplace in a spotlight. There is a breath, then they strike awithin its first eight months, it also made Orkney theCaller: Its something. Boring stuff mostly, I mean Ive performance. Band members laugh and fan girls natter,Piaf pose.second largest Oil producer in all of the UK by moredone nearly every job at the place now from your basic managers organise, and footsteps skip and pace, until it isthan doubling its previous output of the resource. heavy lifting to statistics and planning. Although things finally quiet, and she is alone.Fade to black out.have been picking up lately.Thirdly, there are still fears from local fishermen aboutRadio Host: Oh? How so? Do tell.Edith looks at herself in the mirror and applies morethe recent surge of Alaskan salmon in the North OceanCaller: Well, as youve mentioned its the big anniversary makeup with shaky hands. She breathes heavily.and the surrounding waters of the UK. They believe thatcoming up, so the boss wants the place to be firing on Eventually, she begins to sing to herself. Though theif their numbers are left unchecked, they could possiblyall cylinders for it. You know, so we can put on a big lyrics are from her famed track Non, je ne regrette deendanger the survival of more native salmon speciesdemonstration for it to look nice for the papers. Actually, rien, it has a distinct tune, never heard before. It iswithin the area. However, professors from the Universitythe guys who started work after me are doing a few test slower, quieter and less triumphant. The shadow of herof the Highlands and Islands that have been runningruns tonight.66 67'