b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2020-21 Leah FrapeRadio Host: Well that does sound exciting. Tell me, howThey only have a microphone. Radio Host 4 sits uncomfortablyCreative Writingis your boss? Is he a nice guy? Or is he a bit of a slavesquashed into their desk.) Leah Frapedriver? Radio Host 4: Emergency services are on their way Caller: (chuckling) I cant comment on that. I want to keepto the island. The damage done by the explosion is my job. unknown currently but believed to be severe. It has been Radio Host: Thats a smart move and probably for theestimated that the fire has spread to cover close to eightyFREE.best.percent of the islands landmass. Rescuing survivors is (The Radio Host checks the clock and makes a note in their folder) the utmost priority.Radio Host: I hate to do this but were running on(Radio Host 4 continues to act on stage however they are silent/useWe realise the importance of our voicesso Im afraid Im going to have to let you go. Is theremime) only when we are silenced -anything else you want to say on the show Michael? (An open spotlight, 80%, lights up DSR) Tear gassed and muzzled,Caller: Sure. If my kids are listening, dont worry,(Radio Host 6 stands with a microphone. They look worn) holding our signs, we spit in spite -Daddys coming home soon. Radio Host 6: The fire is still burning. Currently noin the face of it, we unite Radio Host: Thats really sweet. Alright, safe travelssurvivors have been found but families of Orkneyagainst our oppressors. home tonight Michael. Its been lovely having you on. residents are encouraged not to lose hope. We willdo Against incited violence.Caller: Thanks for having me on and I will stay safe.our best to keep you updated.Take care! (Radio Host 6 simply stands tiredly and almost motionless onThey wish we would stumble,Radio Host: Alright, goodbye! stage) but our resolve will not crumble. (SFX, loud volume, pre-recorded phone call ending sound)(The lights slow fade until blackout)Instead we hold hands -Radio Host: Now time for the shipping forecasts.(Blackout) our middle fingers splayed, (Sudden snap to blackout. SFX, loud volume, pre-recorded radio(SFX, pre-recorded phone ringing, loud volume) our multicoloured fists raised.static) (Caller 2 is heard but never seen. Their lines are performed liveBecause we are tired(Pre-recorded SFX of a fire crackling plays at a low volume) offstage. Their monologue starts off loud but slow fades into silence.)of the fate that befalls women(A smoke machine gradually produces smoke) Caller 2: Hello? Hello! My husband never came home!who are forced to keep quiet.(Radio static ends suddenly. A blue frenzel spot, 80%, lights upCan someone please tell me whats going on? Is he DSL) safe? Is he alright? Hello? Can anyone hear me? He wasProudly we walk,(The setup is similar albeit messier. There is a chair and deskworking at the oil refinery and said he was on his waywe are no longer blind. DSL stage. Upon the desk there is a microphone, a laptop, a clockhome? He was on your show! Can someone please talk to We hold hands with our sisters,and a folder. Radio Host 2 sitting at the desk wearing a pair ofme and say something? Hello? Somebody? Anybody? Ourand find strength in our allies headphones, they open the folder and pull out a pen. They seemkids just want to see their dad and I just want to see mywe are done -frantic) husband? Hello? Anyone? screaming out our lungsRadio Host 2: Breaking news: There may have been a(SFX, loud volume, pre-recorded phone call ending sound) we are done -large explosion on Mainland, Orkney. Coastline residents(SFX, pre-recorded phone ringing) reliving traumatic events with taped mouths in our mindof the Scottish mainland have reported a bright flash in(Silence) we are done -the direction of the island. Reports are still coming in as(End) keeping everything inside.we speak. We promise to keep you updated!(Radio Host 2 continues to act on stage however they are silent/useNo more -mime) biting down on our tongues til they bleed.(A red frenzel spot, 70%, lights up DSL) No more -(Another similar setup, this one is much more bare bones. Radiohidden bruises under turtleneck jumpers and long sleeves.Host 3 sits as the desk, clutching their microphone to their chest.No more -They do not touch their folder or pens) being used and beaten,Radio Host 3: All forms of communication have beenskin black and blue -lost with the island. (Aside) Jesus, how bad is this? (Backwondering if the reason for my abuseto the microphone) I am sure there is nothing to worryis me,about. It is important that no one panics in this situation. when all along,(Radio Host 3 continues to act on stage however they are silent/useI was wrong.mime)(A purple spotlight, 50%, lights up USR) It was you.(On another rostra, a much smaller one, is a very cramped setup. 68 69'