b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2018-19different agenda: being presented alongside dead bodyLynch, D. (1980) The Elephant Man. DVD. Paramount Pictures. parts diminishes his status from a living subject to that Margrave, C. (2018). The Elephant Man in the Room, Chiron Review, of nothing. Treves wrote in his book how he measuredIssue 111, Spring 2018.Merrick up in front of an audience and stripped him naked to the point where he was fully revealed making MerrickMartin, T. (1877). The Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, Vol. 2 , New York: D. Appleton & Co. feel shy, confused and evidently much cowed from the experience, reflecting the humiliation and suffering heMerrick, J. (1884) The Autobiography of Joseph Carey Merrick [Online], https://publicdomainreview.org/the-autobiography-of-joseph-carey-endured and the sense of other he must have felt inmerrick-1884/ [17 December 2018]. relation to the rest of the room and society (1923: 25). Pomerance highlights this notion in scene eighteen of hisPomerance, B. (1979) The Elephant Man, New York: Grove Press. play where Merricks treatment from Treves is scrutinised,Poore, B. (2017). True Histories of the Elephant Man: Storytelling and by Pomerance mocking and distorting scene three. In thisTheatricality in Adaptations of the Life of Joseph Merrick in Barton,A . and Smith, A. (ed) Rethinking the Nineteenth Century, Manchester: scene Pomerance makes Treves the subject of examinationManchester University Press, pp. 207-224.symbolising how the experience of being examined has afflicted Merrick and made him believe he is an outsider toSasani, S. (2015). The Elephant in the Dark Room: Merrick and Menacing Mimicry in Bernard Pomerances The Elephant Man, society. Howell and Ford state how Merrick was neededInternational Education Studies, Vol. 8, No. 8, p.118-128. to be ever available for inspection by medical students and Treves, F. (1923).The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences, London: eminent scientists showing how this othering was forcedCassell. on him for the entirety of his life (1980: 118). Watts, I. (1706). True Greatness in Eliot, W. (Ed).English Poetry I: From Chaucer to Gray. Vol. XL. The Harvard Classics, New York: P.F. Overall, it is clear that the culture and expectations ofCollier & Son.Victorian society had great influence over the ghosting of Joseph Merrick. The culture of the period forced Merrick to become a commodity because of his inability to work within the demands of the dominant commodity culture, the imperialist ideologies within society caused its people to view Merrick as a space in need of civilisation making him be gazed at from a superior stance by his own countrymen while societys desire for new scientific discoveries demoted Merrick to nothing more than an object (Sasani 2015: 124). However, blame for Merricks ghosting cannot be given to a singular aspect of society; all aspects together influenced his treatment making Merrick live in a prison of good intentions from the enlightened Victorian people (Margrave 2018: np.). In David Lynchs film Merrick famously states I am a human being. I am a man, reminding us to remember that in life the minds the standard of the man (Watts 1706: np.).Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge.Carr-Gomm, F. (1886). Letter to Editor of The Times Newspaper, 4 December. [Online], http://www.lettersofnote.com/2016/08/the-elephant-man.html [17 December 2018]. Dasht-Peyma, N. (2009). Postcolonial Drama: A Comparative Study of Wole Soyinka, Derek Walcott and Girish Karnad, Jaipur: Rawat Publications. Howell, M and Ford, P. (1980) The True History of The Elephant Man, London: Allison & Busby. Kipling, R. (1899). The White Mans Burden, The New York Sun, 10 February. 22'