b'Georgia BurlingClass and race in Restoration performanceand the theatre industry. Essay ExtractGeorgia BurlingThose comic or tragi-comic plays which thematize lifeowner living in Virginia for ten months says, the council abroad in the colonies, in the Indies, among pirates andmembers some of whom have been perhaps transported in utopias satirize the novel social types produced bycriminals, who having acquired great estates, are now colonial expansion and settlement (Orr 2001: 3). Orr isbecome your Honour and Right worshipful, and possess arguing that plays set in the colonies belonging to Englandall places of authority (Behn, Friendly 1.1). during the restoration period, portray the ideals of society that have been taken over and put in place. I agree withThis description of the council members shows that these Orr, particularly when looking at class, as maintainingcharacters have jumped social status by moving countries social hierarchy was an important part of how society wasand appointing themselves as council members, as well organised. Everyone belonged to a class or sort and carriedas acquiring property of their own. Their appearance out the roles in those divisions; upper sort, middle sort andof high status would have been portrayed through their lower sort. As well as royalist ideals, England was mostlycostumes, wearing extravagant clothes with bright colours pro - monarchy, particularly the Tory party. Therefore, inmade out of good materials with accessories such as hats plays set in colonies abroad, royalist themes are presentand scabbards or baldrics. Carrying around weapons, this and often have characters that are Tory immigrants,is shown in a conversation between Wellman and Whiff,bringing over their support for the royals. The Widowwhy do you bear arms then?, why, for the pay; Ranter by Aphra Behn and Oroonoko by Thomas Southerneto becalled Captain, noble captains. To show, to cock portray clear class representations through their characters.and look big, and bluff as I do (Behn, Wellman and I will specifically look at the council members and theWhiff, 3.2). This proves that they act of higher status Indian queen in The Widow Ranter and the titularthan they really are, striding around confidently with character in Oroonoko.ostentatious weaponry. Neo-Marxist and new historicist orientations of earlyAlthough they give the illusion of being members modern studies, however, considers class not as thebelonging to the upper sort, as the play goes on, attributes ultimate subject of history but as a key element in theto their characters and situations they find themselves in critique of ideology (Dharwadker 2008; 140).suggest they have dressed in cross-class disguise as they in Dharwadker is suggesting that class is a key componentfact belong to the lower sort. In Gillian Russells article, in restoration plays when looking at the ideology ofKeeping Place, when talking about Townleys High Life society. This particularly applies to The Widow RanterBelow Stairs says, the actual boundaries of rank had to be because Aphra Behn has set the play in Virginia wherereaffirmed (Russell 2001; 32). Maybe Behn is trying to say England have taken their ideals of society, reinforcingsomething similar with The Widow Ranter. Whilst The Widow the hierarchy. This is shown through the councilRanters aim isnt to restore social status, it is suggested members, who have tried to climb their way up intowhen looking at the characters in the council who are ex-the upper class. The audience are given the impressionconvicts. Their names; Timorous, Whimsey, Whiff, and that they are members of the upper sort because theyBoozer are traits of their personalities, for example they are council members; Justices of Peace, therefore sit indrink during court, the complaint is, Brother Boozer, for court meetings, help make decisions on how the countrydrinking too much punch in the time of hearing tryals should be run and reinforce order in Virginia. However(Behn, Whimsey, 3.1). Their names also suggest that they as Friendly, who is an old friend of Hazard, and afterare cowardly and not the brightest. This is further shown in inheriting his uncles plantation, has become a plantationAct three Scene two where the council attempt to overtake 29'