b'A Culturalpeople from around the world to experience authentic Chinese culture, in hopes that they would take these ideas back and use them Exchange within their own performance practices. I found it particularly fascinating that I was amongst other performance students from a range of disciplines, each using their own unique perspective to navigate this art form. On the final day, we were allowed to share our individual talents in a talent show: we had a Haka, a performance of musical theatre, a traditional Indian aria and a range Essay in reference to cover image of other gifts.Patric Basse This image is one of triumph for me. On returning to complete my third year of studying Drama at the University of Exeter, when people asked me what learn-My name is Patric Basse and this is aing Chinese Opera was like, I likened it to photograph of me performing the role ofour own versions of high-art forms like Chen Miaochang in a Beijing Opera calledBallet. Like Western Ballet, Opera training Autumn River. The love story follows a youngtypically begins at a young age in order to nun, Chen Miaochang, who escapes herallow the body to develop in a way that convent to chase after her lover, Pan Bizheng,will enable particularities of the form to who has left for the capital. In order to get tobe performed best. The teaching of the her lover, the nun hires an aged boatman whoart form also relied on direct imitation, helps her cross the river. The tale is a comedicboth in the learning of movement and of one, as a panicked and heartbroken Chenthe arias: this of course limited scope for Miaochang urges the carefree and playfulpersonalisation and improvisation. The boatman to catch up to Pan Bizheng. In thechoreography was particularly intricate end she is reunited with her lover. as the art form relies on the body of the performer to set the scene, convey status In the summer of 2018 I was honoured toand also communicate inner-thoughts of receive a full scholarship for Shanghaithe character. Whilst I found this Theatre Academys Traditional Chinesechallenging at first, I learnt to adjust Opera intensive summer school. Theand allow myself to become completely opportunity saw me travel to China in Juneimmersed in this new style. to study in the ancient art form of Beijing Opera for three weeks. I was amongst aThe programme truly showed me the group of around 30 international studentsimportance of maintaining ancient tradition. from places like Italy, Serbia, India, America,The beauty of Chinese Opera was in its Colombia and New Zealand to name a few.rich history. The idea that I too was being As well as learning and performing extractshanded tools that had been passed down from famous opera pieces, we also hadfor generations was truly awe-inspiring. cultural classes and lectures in Mandarin,Art forms like this are special and I was Chinese History, Chinese Economics, Teaparticularly lucky to be able to learn from and Opera itself. Cultural exchange was athe source culture, as even Bertolt Brecht large part of the programme, with thehimself did.Chinese government providing funding for the scholarships in order to allow young'