b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2018-19visit them, making sure not to besmirch the good name of [Juans] house (Luke 2000: 194). Whereas in Stones text, Yerma is more forthcoming about their situation as she blogs about it, publicising their private lives to the public realm of the internet. Stones Yerma is somewhat of a self-proclaimed anarchist, the career woman, never having been focused on wanting kids, even stating that she hates babies [because] theyre stupid and completely self-centered (Stone 2017: 14). Stone reveals the notion of Yerma bowing to societal pressure as being bound a lot more to the notion of the biological clock. A modern British audience would know this turn of phrase, often heard as some sort of reminder to women that their eggs have an expiration date. We can acknowledge that the concept of a womans role in our society today is a lot more nuanced in that women do not have a specific role; I am not my reproductive system (Stone 2017: 15) Stones Yerma says. But what she is exploring in ways Lorcas never did is Yerma facing the concept of choice around what her contribution to society will be: her career as a journalist or to become a mother. Part of the reason this adaptation of the text works so well is that it resonates with the women in the audience who are often faced with this dichotomous question - one or the other.Carbayo-Abengzar, M., 2001. Shaping women: national identity through the use of language in Francos Spain. Nations and Nationalism, 7(1), pp. 75-92.Delgado, M. M., 28th November 2016. La Dimension Escnica Actual del Teatro de Garca Lorca / Lorca and the Stage. Madrid, Fundacin Garca Lorca.Luke, P., 2000. Yerma. In: G. Edwards, ed. Lorca. London: Methuen , pp. 157-206.McDermid, P., 2007. Hijo de mi alma!- Gender Inversion and the Metaphysical Reproduction of the Self in Yerma. In: Love, Desire and Identity in the Theatre of Federico Garca Lorca. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, pp. 142-168.Nolan, L., 2007. A Politics of the Body: Jos Antonio Primo de Riveras Fascism and Federico Garca Lorcas Benjaminian Response. Modern Drama, 50(1), pp. 1-24.Stone, S., 2017. Yerma. 1st ed. London: Oberon Books Ltd.1Yerma is the Spanish word for barren2The democratic republican administration that existed in Spain from 1931 to 19393There is no plot34'