b'Carrie NeilsonFrom Rose Gold and the Red WinePerformance PoetryCarrie NeilsonThe poem There, There looks at the marriageThe poem Counting down from start to between control and dictatorship.Contradictoryfinish is a verbatim performative piece. to the insinuation of loveThis piece was inspired by my childhood in and care within the poems title, the body ofHong Kong and my move to Britain to study. the poem represents an exercise of control andWhilst there are elements and components dominance. The voice of the poem reflectsof the poems which are slightly exaggerated, the feeling of satisfaction as the perpetratorthe voice of the poem represents my own successfully violates the oppositions body,experience of the challenges of growing up corresponding to my inspiration with thisand moving to a new country to pursue my poem. I wanted to strongly capture the essencepassion for performing. of seduction and satire in order to produce a poetic response to an issue in society which is so heavily stigmatized and remains controversial. ICounting Down from Start to Finish purposefully did not feature gender in this poem because I did not want to privilege either gender, as these events can happen to anyone in a day- In the moments where we clock back to zero, to-day life. Pointing us back to the timeline where we Bridge the gap with batons, birthday candles And buttoned up blouses, frolicking intoThere, There Fairy-tales, fostered with old-school Discipline, one look told us we should Stop pestering for more cake, and blow For your sweet cheeks cannot be caressed byOut of the candles already. Already, One or two more bats to that sweet complexion. For your eyes cannot take one more look Already, roaring in her twenties To blind that un-orthodox imagination. Glossed, glorified through and For your lips cannot be kissed by another,Through, crawling through For you are nearer to thee when youre with me. The crowd, cursing through Spilt coffees and thick-crust There, There Pizzas, piling on the pounds Come Monday night, Ill wash you cleanProud she was, preserved And rub the pumice that scarred your skin.As the seventeen year old My black and white canvas, dont cry Who properly caused a scene. For those pools of green and blue will wash outSpectacle, a diamond in the spot-light The black and white film designed for you and me. Shine any light and shed perform You a solo or two, cawing like There, ThereA cockatoo, in the days she left Let me brush you with the tip of myHer voice draining on the sub-way Palette knife, let me penetrate that prettinessStanding, static, stranded That poise, Lets permeate the private. As the eviction notice hung high Carve you up, my verifiable feast. Above her head, holding her Du Poulet, Du Poisson,youre forever trapped with me. Accountable for not making enough. 39'