b'Elizabeth Brownhad to be clear to the audience in order for them to fullyme to muster some kinds of negative feelings towards each invest in their blossoming friendship. Luke and I did aothers characters, which believe me, was very hard to do!number of exercises in order to build up that relationship that needed to shine through between Mary and Adam.Mary and Cavendish share a touching moment together in We would rehearse our scenes during an exercise whereScene XI, right at the end of the play. Mary has just been we tried to forget about the script and ad-libbed the scene,let go by Shelley as, since Adams memory has been wiped, while still arriving at the same conclusion that the scriptedthey no longer need her. She sits alone in the caf, silently version of the scene did. This allowed us to continue tosobbing when Cavendish notices her and decides to try keep the play fresh and original for ourselves and was aand comfort her. For the not-so-emotionally-intelligent vital technique due to the lengthy amount of time we hadprofessor, this is a little hard for him to try to do. He before our first performance. What this exercise broughtbegins by trying to placate her by presenting her with the out in all of us was a new, authentic side to our characters,Peace Lily she had given Adam as a gift, the same one and I felt the bridge between Elizabeth and Mary startingShelley had told Mary to take back in the scene before. This to close. This was the exercise that brought out the littlescene was important as Cavendishs hidden caring side does quirks in my character: things such as how she ate; how sheshow itself in this brief conversation, and the audience gets sat in a chair; how she thought about a difficult questionto learn more about his own motives for building Adam;Adam might have just asked her; and how she would react to being in a new environment, such as the interview room which was the setting for her meetings with Adam. MARY: Why did you do this? Shelley I can understand what with the God-complex and Mary and Shelleys relationship was extremely interesting.everything but youre the last person Id expect. The two women of the play do not see eye to eye whenBut you wanted it just as much as the mad it comes to Adam, but they do have some sort of subtle,professor, didnt you? Why?twisted connection. There is a scene which involves MaryCAVENDISH: Why not?and Shelley right after Adam has had his memory wiped;(SCENE XI, pg.21)Shelley has rebooted him. Mary, at first oblivious to what has been done to Adam, slowly starts to catch on as she realises Adam does not recognise her. Marys anger ends upAgain, ad-libbing the scene was very useful to create getting the better of her and what follows is an explosiveauthenticity between Cavendish and Mary, however argument between herself and Shelley, where majorworking on their relationship throughout the play not only questions about the ethics of Shelleys project are broughtgave Cavendish more motive to act in this way in the final into question. For this scene, it was important that bothscene, but it also gave Mary more of a reason to listen to characters held gravitas on stage, as they are both strongwhat he has to say. Cavendish is much more reluctant than women who speak their minds. Marys intense hurt had toShelley to wipe Adams memory, and is also the one of the also be clear as Shelley delivers her monologue about herpair of scientists who wants Mary to join the experiment. reasoning for rebooting Adam;This is also seen in Scene IX when Mary accidently stumbles upon Cavendish and Shelley working on Adam. SHELLEY: Theres no flaw in the code. Its in us.Once Cavendish has removed Mary from the room, he (Scene X, pg. 20) remarks to Shelley:The exercises we underwent to get the scene to theCAVENDISH: We needed her-standard it needed to be included a lot of hot seatingSHELLEY: Something to say, Doctor?between Mary and Shelley. Nikki and I were encouragedCAVENDISH: No.to have a normal ad-libbed conversation as our characters, discussing controversial topics such as the treatment of Adam by putting forward our thoughts and opinions on theClearly, he doesnt believe fully in the ethics behind what subject. As they clashed directly with each other, it provedthey are doing. Cavendish, by the end of the play, although a very interesting few conversations! This did in fact helpstill completely complicit in what happens to Adam, does us to get the root of our beliefs and understand why ourhave some sort of sympathy for what Mary is going through characters believed what they did. It also helped Nikki andin losing her only friend.27'