b'THE REST OF US STORIESWhiteHousematesTrigger Warning: References to self harm and sui**de.was put into a halls with onlyhouse and would be used to liaiseme this. First, they stopped making eye white women, which was fine,with the neighbours. We went fromcontact with me, started excluding me, Im half white. The best friendsthe quietest students they ever hadlocked themselves away from me, and I had in Freshers Week were threeand come over for tea to passive- slept together out of fear that I would working-class black boys - some peopleaggressive nonsense-talkers after theyhurt them. Then, they called my white take issue with the term BAME butsaw us. My best friend on my yearmiddle-class boyfriend to pick me when you lump us all together likeabroad was another mixed race girl.up or they would have me removed that you create community. A fewShe wasnt even working-class (likeby mental health services. I was weeks in, the boys stopped comingme) - she just needed to escape thetreated like a patient - an incompetent over and stopped replying. Whendrama at Durham for a bit. Howchild - and my friends believed them they showed their face again, I askedrefreshing it was to not be the Mixed- because all I saw were three girls them why they blanked me like that.Race One or the One from a Low- absolutely beside themselves who Income Background for a year - justwere shell-shocked.Has your relationshipBritish. Then when there were racial with the girls improved? attacks against Chinese people atSince school, Ive had issues about Exeter, I was almost glad - this is it.switching accents; teased for Yes, it had - I had stopped bringingThis is the sentiment that is dismissedsounding like a chav, then berated over Scary Black Men late intoas bullshit - its out here for all to see.for sounding too posh. Its not a the night to sit in the kitchen andThis is what you think of us. personality disorder - its called giggle about drinking water out ofcode-switching. But I couldnt even saucepans. These Scary Black MenIn my final year, in the heat ofstand my ground with my housemates were afraid of a wasp that flewBlack Lives Matter protests andbecause to appear threatening makes into my room and marvelled at mythe global spike in anti-racismme an Aggressive Person of Colour. Chinese skills to airbend it out thediscourse - mid-pandemic - I gotIn fact, I couldnt say anything window. I told them I was excitedkicked out of my house by threebecause how can you if you are accused about my menstrual cup, and theyother white women. of being a pathological liar and a said why are you telling us? I saidmanipulator? Still, when you accuse that I didnt have any close femaleI had made the mistake of thinkingsomeone of intentionally hurting friends. Turns out that the boys hadthat they were allies, but they wereothers or themselves, you dont hide stayed distant so I could be one ofwolves in sheeps clothing. I wasaway from them; you dont kick them the girls. But I was never one ofgaslit to believe that I was mentally out and ship them off to a train station the girls. In my second year, I livedill. My crime? I got them a present.where its much easier to harm oneself; with only black students and it wasI had an asthma attack and boughtyou dont remove an asthmatic from the best. It was a place for people tothem a gift to thank them for theira safe environment during a global come home and complain about thecare towards me. They interpretedpandemic; and you definitely do not racism that nobody else could see.this as an apology for faking angaslight them enough to believe that I was the least threatening in theasthma attack, but they didnt tellthey need to seek a mental health 38'