b'THE REST OF US STORIESH ours have passedMoayad, do you paint? are drawn tenderly into the since we left Su- We hear Moayad reply,tent canvasa small tailor laimani to find theshop. We pass the tailor shop Nergizly Camp, which wasWhat? to find that Moayads creations supposedly near Mosul city.adorn every tent closest to his; The search for the camp hasThere are some journalistsfigures, horses, flowers, butter-exhausted us. We point to an- here to interview you. flies, and even phrases. Above ything that looks like a camp.an intimate portrait of a man We are looking for the blueWhat are you talking about?and woman, it reads,tents - anything blue. We stopI know nothing about this.at a petrol station to ask forA man steps out of the guardSecurity is a blessing, pre-directions. We reach a check- house and walks over to us. served by justice and disappears point where a sergeant sits,by injustice. watching a TV show.Arent you Moayad? Isnt I interrupt to tell him that Ithis the Nergizly Camp? The next tent says from have arranged a meeting withdeath we make life. We reach an artist from Mosul - a manMy name may be Moayad,Moayads own tent. The shoes named Moayad who lives inbut this is the Shaikhanoutside are tidy, lined up on the Nergizly Camp and usespipeline. three bricks. Moayad is waiting the tents as canvases, the campThen, right there, we see aand he welcomes us warmly. dust as paint. His eyes stillhuge sign: Kurdistan Region- The tea pot boils on the stove, fixed on the TV, he mumblesal Governments Ministry ofthe cups wait on a serving tray. Yeah, sure, go. We still dontNatural Resources, ShaikanA yellow-embroidered cloth know where the camp is. AOil Field. We turn back againadorns the table. road sign says 44 km to Mosul,for the main road. Blue water 31 km to Bashiqa. On the left,tanks of an IDP camp appearEverything is in place. we see a building surround- on our left and finally, we ed by some tents, guarded byenter the camp. A guard callsWell, everything which rem-Peshmarga. I turn and driveMoayad, asks for his tent num- ains from the home they lost.towards it. I roll down my win- ber, and ushers us in. dow to speak with the guards.Moayads influence becomesBryar BajalanWe are here to meet Moayad,apparent as a few children a painter.draw along their tents. WeSocial media links to MosulLives reach his area, where a dust- oral history project here:The guard lifts his walkie-talk- sewn dress, t-shirt, pair ofwww.facebook.com/kashkulistanie to his mouth,pants, and a sewing machineinstagram.com/kash_kul50'