b'THE REST OF US STORIESWhen we speak, we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed.But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.Audre LordeNote from the Artistic Director of Beyond FaceI think Lordes words aptly summarise our hopeaction. It takes courage to speak out - to speak for this magazine and ongoing work, which we areyourtruthinapredominantlywhitespace-in creating with the unheard voices at the Universityapredominantlywhitecity,andthesestudents of Exeterthe hope that in 2020, despite our fears,have done it. They deserve to be seen and heard.the time to speak is now whilst everyone is listening. Weareinanewmomentinhistory;weare currently seeing new formations of allyship and aAlix Harrisgreater willingness to listen, but this new momentLecturer of Drama&Founder and Artistic Director of Beyond Faceechoes a movement that has been repeated many times.Aspeopleengagewiththismagazine,www.beyondface.co.ukand the powerful truths of these students, I hopeBeyond Face CIC is a South West theatre company whose mission that they can absorb some of those truths, gainis to raise the profile and visibility of Black, Asian and ethnically new knowledge, and recognise that there is stilldiverse representation in the South West Arts sector.muchmoretobedone.Learningfollowedbywww.poetryfoundation.org/poems/147275/a-litany-for-survival9'