b'THE REST OF US STORIESprofessional as soon as possible. Itpeople need to rest! the internet told them.help by way of ultimatum, armchair was three against one. They spentWhen I told the black collaborator,diagnose someone for aggressive three hours convincing my friends,she laughed.We had been so utterlyand mental health issues, and kick and said that my boyfriend betrayedcategorised to become their causesomeone out their own home (even their trust by telling me what theyfor a freedom fight. I had becomeif they themselves dont live there). told him. They spent 12 minutestheir Poor Mixed-Race Friend. I gotThis entitlement, which they had with me - explaining nothing - onlyquestions like dont you think youself-flagellated themselves for, was the that there was no indication that Iconfuse people when you say yourevery reason why they rejected me so would be welcome home. It was justwhite? and wow, it feels SO goodextremely, and to some extent, why Everything we did was out of careto put something on that isnt formy parents and I believed them in for you and Im not angry at you.ourselves. Then they collectivelythe first place. My parents and I held They packed all my belongings andturned to me and said You shouldthem in high esteem over ourselves put them in the garage for collection,be so proud of yourself.because thats what we are taught to then made themselves scarce whendo - what could these white women I came. What they will never know,Wow. possibly be wrong about compared because they will never accept thatto me, who has screamed problem they are not True Saviours, is thatThey detested all things whiteto society since birth, if not truly, their behaviour was racist. The(excluding working-class white peoplethen certainly through the media? heartbeat of racism is denial, Ibramsomehow, and denying that non- Implicitly, you would believe mild-X Kendi writes, the heartbeat ofwhites could be racist). They battledmannered wealthy white girls over antiracism is confession (2018).their relatives online, celebratedthe way you perceive your own how many friends they lost eachfamily. I have spoken to other Harbouring the guilt of being unableday, slinging CAPITAL LETTERpeople of colour and I think there to fulfil the moral duty of anti- COMMENTS across social media.is a phenomenon of believing white racism flared every time they cameThey had forced upon themselvespeople over your own family or your across their one POC housematea responsibility to rid the world ofown people.and realised that, despite their bestracism once and for all, and yet, they efforts in the past week, they hadcouldnt decide if I was exempt fromIf I had any advice for white not managed to eradicate racism!it. They were exhausting themselves; itpeople trying to engage in anti-This POCs presence then becomeswas like they were competing for lackracism, it would be that it is okay an embodiment of all the guilt thisof sleep over their selfless crusades.to acknowledge that you are a little ideology lumps on them, remindingThey resented my experience, as wellbit racist! Everyone is implicitly them they still benefit from theiras my agency over it: I feel like onlyracist - we all consume a lot of racist ethnicity, and their inaction to changeyou can say that and I think thisscience, media, education, culture etc. this ASAP makes them racist. This iswas the start of how I got kicked out.Acknowledge it. Learn about it. so overwhelming and impossible toWhite guilt starts off with sympathyLearn about yourself. Right yourself live with, that they have to get rid ofand then turns into rejection. Someeach time you learn about it, and the POC. I became the problem.friends said they were jealous of mykeep moving forward. You dont need whiteness and non-whiteness; theyto strip naked and walk through town Just before getting kicked out, though,wanted to gatekeep saviourism butgetting egged while bell-tollers cry the house and I put on a high-profileenvied the authority to speak aboutShame!event in May - a vigil for Georgelived experiences of racism - which Floyd. For my housemates, I becamethey had read so much about! TheyAlso, fast internet information is not the resident expert of all thingshad such intense white fragility, evennuanced enough! The girls were like POC, yet at the same time, theychanging their appearance to appearPharisees who drew their authority continued policing my expressionless blonde, harbouring a severefrom the law - my housemates had because they were confused aboutshame of stereotypes. Their favouriteread bite-sized information by black my authority to speak on racism as ameme was that is the whitest shit Ivewriters online and decided that they non-black POC. Their desperationever seen because they believed theycould now school me on racism. The to appear correct was stifling andwere Self-Aware. Well, the whitestPharisees persecuted God on Gods hostile to my ease. I was beratedshit Ive ever seen is your nonsense!behalf - what its all about vs. this is for writing a speech, and then IIt is the typical Karen entitlementthe law. The girls read that this is was berated for messaging a blackwhich allows a white woman tocorrect procedure, so they righteously collaborator who supported it. Blackbehave scared and threatened, call forstripped themselves of authority to 39'