b'THE REST OF US STORIESspeak on the matter, but on behalf oflook for a job quite comfortably. black people, could tell everyone whatEat your salmon and drink your was right and wrong. Im not blackprosecco. I literally never bore any and Im not claiming to understandill will towards your circumstances - black experiences, but this righteous,you were the one that made jokes un-nuanced policing prevented themabout yourself, the one that hated from realising that they themselves wereWhite Girls and White Girl Tropes. more of a hindrance than a help. TheThe hate you bore was all your own. vigil was their idea - suddenly racismHowever, you dont need to meddle was an emergency - they rushed towith my circumstances please - as it is their laptops and dropped all otherthe so-called oppression youve been commitments. There is a danger incrying from the rooftops about, and the impulse to act, before listeningcoercing all your peers to care about. and processing. Look! Were doingYou think youd have the decency to something, look! We dont want youleave us well alone.to do something yet, because first, you need to deep it. I feel like they felt aI made a lot of POC friends pressure and subconsciously pushed itafterwards; they knew me for a onto the POC around them - myselfminute and completely understood and the black collaborator takingand believed my situation, because it roles we didnt want - as if they hadwas familiar; it was believable; they facilitated a space for us. This is whathad had it before, encountered these you needed, what you have been waiting for.people. I dont believe white people Black friends of mine said they feltare bad or white middle-class women a pressure to speak when they didntare bad like these girls believed - actually want to. Quick, this is your timethats stupid. For some reason, Exeter before people stop caring! attracts a certain type of student that made all of our experiences at this Kicking me out came at a crucialuni uncomfortable at times, and time - literally one month beforefor Petes sake, Exeter - sort it out!the date ending my degree, which had been four years of a hope for a better future - and who knows whatAnonymousmy parents did or didnt do to ensure that I could have this. I assume that my housemates will be able to goBibliographyhome to a house and not pay rentKendi, Ibram X. 2018. The Heartbeat of for it. Ill have to start paying rent forRacism Is Denial. The New York Times. [Online]. my council flat immediately after my13 Jan. [Accessed 17 August 2020]. Available student status ends. One housematefrom: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/13/teared up when I told them that Iopinion/sunday/heartbeat-of-racism-denial.htmlgrew up on benefits and this degree was imperative for a better future. Its not that deep; if youre the type of person to be moved by someone elses circumstances because you feel guilty or angry about privilege or class disparity, dont go kicking them out when you could literally put up with them for one more month until they bag that sweet social mobility paper. Just relax about your privilege, ski, (dis)continue your weed addiction, feel Gucci that you can go home and 40'