b'THE REST OF US STORIESMedicalSchool,hasestablishedadialogue betweenthesestudentsoftheirexperiences and ideas. Students have taken part in writing workshopsledbytheeditors,aswellasby The Rest of Us professional writer and activist Rahila Gupta, to develop their creative voice. The result of this Stories work is contained within this magazine, and we hope that it will provoke awareness of the issues that these students experience, as well as action inensuringtheirvoicesareheard,andthey are able to feel in place within the University. When we began this project, we could not have foreseen the impact that Covid-19 would have on all of us. As a result, weve had to limit some A fewyearsago,Istartedhavingmeetingsof the activities of the project. The contributionswith students of colour within the Departmentto the magazine are to be celebrated even more ofDramatohearabouttheirexperiencesofas they were made during a time of considerable beingintheUniversity.Whatemergedfromstress and anxiety, heightened for these students these discussions was that many of the studentsbythemurderofGeorgeFloyd.TheBlack were feeling out of place, with little space forLivesMattermovementhasshownthevital their voices and stories, as well as the lack ofimportanceofacknowledgingsystemicracism representationofpeopleofcolourwithintheandinequality,andtheneedforrealchange faculty,studentbody,andinwhattheywerewithin society. Universities have a major part beingtaught.Idalsobeenworkingontheto play in shaping the way that we think, what decolonising the curriculum initiative with mywe know, who is given a voice, and how we make colleaguesintheDepartmentandacrossthethe future, and we hope this magazine will be a University,andwithotherDrama/Theatre/ small step along the path of change and action. Performance Departments around the country, acknowledgingthatnotonlydoweneedtoIwouldliketoacknowledgefundingforthis consider what we teach, but also address issuesproject by the Exeter Education Incubator, the of systemic inequalities within the structures ofAlumniFund,andtheProvostCommission. the institution and industry.ThankstoRahilaGuptaforleadingthe writing workshops. And I would like to offer my Aspartofthiswork,Ihavebeenleadinganheartfelt thanks and appreciation for the work Education Incubator project in 2019-2020 calledand dedication of Charice Bhardwaj, Sharanya Decolonising the Curriculum/Diversifying theMurali,andAlixHarris,aswellasallthe University, using creativity to explore and givestudents who have taken part in and contributed space and voice to students experiences. Theto the project. Creativity offers a way to express project has two parts, one of which was exploringand embody collective action, as bell hooks says theseissuesthroughperformanceworkshopsin her book Yearning (1990): We are transformed, ledbyAlixHarrisofBeyondFacetheatreindividually,collectively,aswemakeradical company based in Plymouth. The other is thiscreative space which affirms and sustains our magazine, edited by Charice Bhardwaj, initiallysubjectivity, which gives us a new location from by Sharanya Murali, to amplify the voices ofwhich to articulate our sense of the world.students of colour across the University through different forms of writing and visual expression. HearingstoriesandthecreativeexpressionProfessorofstudentsinarangeofdepartmentsand disciplines, including English, History, Drama,Jerri DabooSociology,Psychology,Law,theBusiness School,ArabicandIslamicStudies,andtheDepartment of Drama6'