b'THE REST OF US STORIESPhotography Credits CreditsCover Sophia El-Salahi13 Idris Yana14 Freepik - Kamimiart16-17 Nubuke Amoah18 Unsplash - Muillu20-21 Nubuke Amoah23 Daniel Khaled24-31 Sophia El-Salahi34 Nubuke Amoah36-37 Nubuke Amoah41 Charice Bhardwaj42-43 Nubuke Amoah44-47 Bryar Bajalan51-52 Aska Osmani 53 Bryar Bajalan54 Bryar Bajalan55 Pexels - Polina Tankilevitch56-57 Nubuke Amoah62 The Berkley Graphic Design Co.63 Sonia Thakurdesai64 Florence Basse67 Florence Basse70 Nubuke AmoahWritten content created by students of the University of Exeter.Editors and further contributions by Jerri Daboo, Charice Bhardwaj, Sharanya Murali, and Alix Harris.Design by The Berkley Graphic Design Co.73'