b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2019-20Extract from Directing PortfolioSubmitted as part of the assessment for the level three module Theatre Practice II: Directing.Short EssaysEllis Haddrell It is extremely daunting to feel a novice in somethinghad shied away from due to the stigma that accompanied it that you are so passionate aboutyou want to succeed as being a difficult style to work in and execute well, the and thrive, but quickly realise you are a little fish in a bigmore naturalistic, the harder [it is] (Heritage, 1988: 30). pond. I firmly believe that to further yourself as a directorThe degree developed my confidence to work in different you need to acquire experience with a range of styles andstyles, resulting in using the duologue performance as a performances. Many directors are compliant with oneplatform to experiment with naturalism. stylethey find what gives them the most joy and continue producing work in that style. It takes courage to step outAfter the completion of my stylised naturalistic of a comfort zone and direct something in unfamiliarduologue, many performances from other theatre-makers stylenobody likes to be in unchartered waters with thefollowed demonstrating a range of exciting styles and possibility of drowning. Altering styles of work leavestechniques. One performance left such an impact that it room for uncertainty and failure which is an enormousdetermined the theatrical style chosen for the found space limitation that restricts many directors to one style. performance. The inspiring performance in question, used sharp and exaggerated stylised movement to convey On joining the university, I was adamant about my lovecomedy and stylised absurdism. The movement was so of Artauds Theatre of Cruelty and wanted to producestriking that I wanted to attempt to direct moments of this similarly styled work. Over the course, I found myselfstyle and began looking at how to incorporate this into becoming more open to working in various styles. Itthe found space performance. It is important to not settle wasnt until the directing module that I was brave (orin your directing style until you have experimented with reckless) enough to direct in naturalism, albeit stylisedvarious styles, as there is great importance in finding what naturalism. It is always simpler to direct a performancegives you the most joy, the director may find it important that can be interpreted freely by an audience, as withto experiment with various styles, even imitating those of absurdism and Theatre of Cruelty, than to produce onedirectors she admires, until she settles on a style that fits true and believable meaning, as with naturalism.her own particular way of seeing the world and expressing Freedom for audiences in their interpretation is whatherself artistically (Rea and Irving, 2010: 158).I believe creates good theatre; we as theatre makers shouldnt force an opinion or belief, but create a non- Within Bogarts A Director Prepares, she addresses how to judgmental space in which others can explore thoughtsmanage directing with a set of three simple questions: how and feelings in response to a performance: do we approach one another in the arena of a rehearsal or on a stage? How do we begin and then how do we go Theater provides a space of response-abilityThis is to say that weon? (2001: 2). Once there is an understanding of these are response-able, or able to respond, to theater with a willingness oranswers, directing can flow freely and with ease. In light of openness to being moved, altered, disturbed or undone in the face ofthe two performances, the answers to Bogarts questions the (performed) other and to responding freely to the demand this facebecame apparent. I will answer these and address how my places upon us. - (Rossiter, 2012: 10). work attempted to follow the answer before addressing issues and their resolutions. Establishing equality between With the help of Anne Bogarts A Director Prepares (2001),a director and an actor is key to building a strong working I prepared myself for the unknown world of naturalismrelationship that thrives on mutual respect, which answers (and later, absurdism). Naturalism was something that IBogarts first question on approaching one another. 20'