b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2019-20Critical Analysis: Raymond WilliamsA section from a portfolio assignment submitted for the second-year Performance & Interpretation module.Short EssaysPauline EllerIn an attempt to closely follow Williams line of argument,Instead we could speak of a fragmented culture or society I stumbled over his brief mention of communication.where multiple interpretations of the dominant exist and He writes: flourish online. Every fragment assumes a knowledge of the principal hegemonic values. When confronted with In modern societies we have to add the major communications systems.another fragment with an opposing interpretation we fail These materialize selected news and opinion, and a wide range ofto grasp their assumed view of the dominant.selected perception and attitudes. - (Williams, 1977: 118) What I find especially interesting about this thought process is how it resonates with extremist, mostly right-Whether these are selected in accordance with thewing developments in the recent political landscape. dominant culture is not specified. However, we have toIn multiple European countries, right-wing parties assume this selection originates in the same hegemonichave gained followers and are operating in closed off structure as selective tradition and education do in hiscommunities. By using Williams idea of the selective and previous conclusions. the convincing algorithms on digital platforms it becomes evident to me why these fragments of society are so In his publication on Raymond Williams legacy, Jossconvinced that they are superior and the dominant.Hands is convinced that insights from older forms ofModern major communications systems (1977: 118), as materialism can enrich the evolution of a new materialism,Williams calls them, redefine the idea of the dominant and in turn contribute towards a revived culturaland how we perceive it. In his chapter, he recognises materialism for the digital age [] unavailable to Williamsthis potential vulnerability of this strict definition of the in his lifetime (2015: 134). Holding onto that thought, Idominant. However, in the opening chapter of his book want to use Williams idea of hegemonic selection to take ahe emphasizes the openness and flexibility of theoretical closer look at the modern digital age.development (Williams, 1977: 1). By relating his theory on the selective process to modern society we overcome Similar to parental education, digital media as athe threat of outdated thinking and establish new ways communication platform gives access to selectedto explain the current developments in modern societies. information and, in a sense, education. What we learnInstead of calling Raymond Williams an ancestor to in parental education is supportive of and selected bycurrent cultural theory (el-Ojeili, 2003: 130) we should the dominant culture. The same should be the case forregard him as a close relative who is still able to point us what I want to call digital education. What I learn onlinein new directions of interpretation today.should therefore portray the selective hegemonic ideas. However, social media as a modern communicationsel-Ojeili, C. (2003) Re-imagining Cultural Studies (Book), Thesis Eleven, system (Williams, 1977: 118) is personally and individuallyvol. 73 (1), pp. 130133.selective rather than following the hegemonial. It isHands, J. (2015) From Cultural to New Materialism and Back: The user-orientated and not a hegemonic instrument, but itEnduring Legacy of Raymond Williams, Culture, Theory and Critique, is perceived as such. If every user experiences a differentvol. 56 (2), pp. 133148 selective digital education everyone experiences a differentWilliams, R. (1977) Marxism and Literature, Oxford: Oxford interpretation of hegemonic values and meanings. WeUniversity Press.reach individual conclusions of the relevant traditions. The result is a non-unified perception of the dominant. 34'