b'Creative Writing Thomas GunningT3 Poetry SubmissionsCreative WritingThomas GunningLoveBehind industrial rust-doors,Steel-barred and bolted;Limbs intertwine in bloody mess,White flashing, fluorescence. Screams The Optimistreverberate piercingly, blinding with immoral clouds.Doors lying at the end of dark tunnels,Hidden deep in caves, guarded by guilt-thrashed gods. Negative, negative, negative!At the caves mouth; people trade cuddles and pecks Why must it be so?In public compromise Optimistic glasses lacking in substanceIn spite of crimson flames, the thirsty demand of their media-full oppressors.Burning like candles in their black eyesSignalling the deepest passion; Why is it so? I wish it not so!My deepest fear. Everything in black and white,Observed these actions repulse. tempting a rainbows frown to grow more vivid.This warming, endless oblivion collapsing in on Can we not let pretty flowers grow?Itself, itself, itself.Dangerous trust and thrill of forever!How can you do it? Life Goes OnSo, the heart shouting, Yes!And guilty mind yelling, No!You push the inward oblivion; out. Just another day, another day further,Love-sick in the desert of self-inflicted rejection. Further away, away from thoseWho said they were here to stay.They were not wrong,By no fault of their ownThey had to leave us,Carve their name into stone.Remember they always live on in our heartDont listen to the phrase;Until death, do we part.This is to those who we cannot blame,For we will do exactly the same.And just remember, when I am gone, thatLife still goes on71'