b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2019-20Photo Credits 3 EditorialDissertation ExtractsThe cover photo shows Chad St Louis in Ghost: The Musical, directed by Stan8 How and why do cosplayers in the US, Gordon for Exeter Footlights. UK and Japan use representations of Photo: Eleanor Webster. animated and comic book fictional characters to play with their identity?Other photos were taken by: Rebecca Warner Eleanor Webster12 Exploring Asexuality in Shakespeares (pp.6-7, pp.18-19, pp.60-61, p.83) Measure for Measure and The Merry Wives of WindsorPhilippa Uden ( p.39, p.40)Thomas GunningHal Wallace (pp.50-51)15 How can embodied creative interventions help survivors of Alex OLoughlin (pp.80-81) sexual abuse regain a connection and ownership over their bodies? Jasmin WilsonShort Essays20 Extract from Directing PortfolioEllis Haddrell22 How can bodies/costumes/objects operate as tools for transgression and dissent in activist practice?Nell Weston25 Discuss the purpose and value of theatre as a healing tool in healthcare and wider care settingsEvie Hayes28 The Oriented Orient: A Postcolonial Reading of Disneys Aladdin - A Musical SpectacularSonia Thakurdesai32 Discuss the representation and performance of religious belief on the Restoration stageCarrie Neilson4'