b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2019-20A Fine PartnershipSubmitted for the third-year playwriting module.Creative WritingJessa ThompsonA Fine Partnership is a short play in which Maureen and Michael face a difficult choice about the life beyond and evaluate their 50-year marriage. In this section of the script, the character names are visible to the left, however in later acts the lines are only labelled A and B. The director may choose which way round Maureen and Michael will be in these scenes in order to explore two conflicting perspectives on their marriage. In Part One, the text stays the same, but the scene can be performed with multiple dynamics; Maureen andMichael can both take on the overbearing, dominant personality of A, or the quieter, more domitable B.A small boxy office room with no windows, and one door to the right. There is a corporate desk with 3 chairs, one behind the desk, two in front. The whole room has a 1970s feel: cardboard thin office walls, a lot of beige, and a plastic plant in the corner.Maureen is in front of the desk to the left. She is in her mid-70s and dressed in practical, fashionable linen clothes. Her large handbag sits in front of her on the desk. Michael sits to her right. He is in his 80s and dressed in a neatly pressed shirt and smart trousers, his spindly frame making them look oversized. Simon sits behind the desk, a middle-aged man in corporate attire. A is slightly short tempered and snappish. Well meant, but very intense.Stubborn.B is just as intense, but softer. Normally walked over, B is not used to speaking for themselves but knows they may never get the chance again.PART ONE - CHECK INMaureen and Michael pour over a pile of stapled papers, each flipping through their own. Simon hands them a pen. Simon: So, yes. If youd just like to- yes. (Maureen goes ahead and begins to sign.)Michael: (leaning away, lifting a hand in defence) Hang on, hang on. Maureen: Whats that?Michael: I havent finished reading.Maureen: Youre on the last page, you must have the gist of it. Michael: I need to go back and look for the small print. Maureen: Hmph. Well, Ive read it, and Im happy enough to sign for myself. Simon: Thank you, Mrs. Hannigan. We do have a larger print version if you require-Maureen: Gah! They have a large print version, Michael. You should have asked rather than struggling through however many pages with your old eyes.68'