b'Creative Writing Sebastian EmmersonOscar: You have? Thats brilliant!Lucy: Yeah, your sister helped me.Oscar: Ah - really? H-how did that go?Lucy: I mean, it wasnt easy -Oscar: Well, no. It wouldnt be -Lucy: Because first they have a look at your complexion to see which cut is best for your body shape so that part was a bit uhh Oscar: Yeah, I can see how that would be a challenge.Lucy: But the store manager was really great. She was very helpful.Oscar: Thats nice. Lucy: Dont you want to know what I chose? I want you to think I look beautiful in it.Oscar: (Clearing his throat) Uhh - Well, I - Lucy: Whats the matter?Oscar: Nothing. No, I mean, its bad luck for the groom to see the bride in the dress before the wedding, isnt it?. Lucy: Oh, youre right! I forgot. I had no idea you were superstitious. Oscar: Im not. Must be uh - left over from my mum - you know how superstitious she was. She couldnt walk under a ladder. No shoes on the table. Always bringing a good luck charm onto a flight and all that, ha ha ha. Lucy: Mmm Oh, that reminds me.Oscar: Yes?Lucy: Were still going to Barbados for the honeymoon, arent we?Oscar: If youre still keen.Lucy: Oh, yeah. Id love a tan.Pause.Lucy: Dont.Oscar: Im not.Lucy: You were going to say something. I could see it in your eyes. Dont even go there.Oscar: I wasnt going to.Lucy: Oh, shit! I need a new passport photo.Pause.Lucy: What now?65'