b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2019-20different questions. If theatre is about finding and portraying truth, I think re-directing made me acknowledge that the truth is in no way singular. Getting another opportunity often feels like a chance to improve upon your prior work (I far too often find ideas I wish I had earlier, to be incorporated into long-finished projects!). However, in the end, I learnt that it On Directing was a chance to forge an entirely new Jessa Thompson path through the material, and the second journey can be just as novel as If Ive learnt anything as a Director,the first.its that you never direct the same play twice - even when you direct the same play twice. Directing is the creative area Ive grown in most over the pastOn Photographythree years, from having almost noEllie Websterexperience to having directed four plays, including published plays, myI really enjoy the candidness of some own writing, and a musical. of these photos, particularly rehearsal shots. I enjoy rehearsal shots because Ive been lucky enough to havetheyre so simple: all you can see is the a second go at a couple of these,actor and director in communication. including my own play The Parliament,I think theres something really which we performed at the T3magical about capturing an actor in Festival in 2018, and toured at Thethe middle of a metamorphosis, when Camden Fringe in 2019. In a year, thetheyre just getting to grips with the text did not change very drasticallycharacter.(though I admit I was relieved to fix some typos before handing outIn contrast, having the performance the script to the new cast!), but theshots in colour is so thrilling because process, and the final productions toit evokes that feeling of being in the me felt like two different beasts.theatre, especially now we arent able to be in person. I was around for the Up until the second performance, rehearsal process for Sweeney Todd, so I gained a year of confidence. I madethe performance was relatively easy structural changes, such as a smallerto capture. For Gatsby and Ghost, I cast of five actors, rather than nine,came in during the dress rehearsal and a much simpler set design forhaving never seen the show before- ease of transport. I also chose toquite daunting for someone new to gender-swap a character, adding photography! layers of subtext. Returning to the play took me back to square one,For me, photography is similar to as the actors brought new ways ofacting, in that its trying to see the bringing characters to life. With aworld through a different perspective. change in context, the play askedIts looking for the interesting angles 82'