b'T3 Journal - Student Writing in Drama, University of Exeter 2019-20Mum picks up the bag and puts free items on the table.Nel: Yeah. Im just annoyed with myself.Mum: They will remember you.Nel: I hope so. Londons a big pond full of tiny fish.Mum: Remember, all practice is good practice. Nel: Yeah. Next time. Beat.Mum: Your belly is rumbling. You left a meal in the fridge.Nel: Im not hungry.Beat.Mum: Stop it.Nel: Huh?Mum: Stop beating yourself up. You did your best.Beat.Mum: If they picked you from the haystack, you must have stood out.Nel: I know that, but thats not a free pass to be shit at interviews.Mum: That language is appalling. And so is your attitude.Pause.Mum: You wont be perfect the first time. Other people are used to the process. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth.Nel: Silver spoon or not, Ill have to get it right eventually.Mum: Yes, I know. I know. (drops her point) Youll have another chance now youve practised.Nel: I dont deserve another chance right now.Mum: So, you take your bow and give up?Pause.Mum: You remember that Rosa Parks play, before you moved from the girls grammar school?74'